Port Management

Our graduate students become Мaster Мanagers in Port management upon completing graduate program with all necessary knowledge and skills in: management in ports and Ship Engineering, traffic and logistics organization, hazardous waste material management, quality management, multimodal transport, human resources, maritime security international system which enables our students for independent research work in the field of Port Management.

This academic program follows the global trends and science in port management. Graduate Academic Program – Port Management is based on the experience and knowledge of the most distinguished academies in the world. The program is based on the needs of the market for qualified professional staff in the field of Port Management. Our program is in accordance with academic programs in Great Britain, Spain and, Lithuania.

Student can independently propose the topic of his/her graduate thesis or choose from one of the topics suggested by professors. Students will be mentored by professors of their choosing, and will first write a preliminary conceptual project, and after they defend the conceptual project, they will start writing their graduate thesis.

Study Program: Port Management.
Duration: 1 year (60 ECTS).
Degree: Master Manager – Port Management.
Number of students per year: 25.

Аnnyal study fee: 3000€

Requirements for admission:

  • Student must be a graduate of the four-year undergraduate studies (240 ECTS) to qualify for admission to the graduate program.
  • The Science Education Council will make a decision, case to case basis, regarding the admission to the graduate studies – Port Management.

The knowledge and skills gained during our graduate program Port Management are:

  • Competent performance of management and work organization within shipping companies, ports and port authorities;
  • Creation of short, medium and long term plans within shipping companies, ports and port authorities;
  • The application of methods, procedures and research processes and analysis in defining problems in the field of port management;
  • Precise analysis of the given state, synthesis of the stored data, prediction of possible consequences and adequate problem solving in the area of ​​the port management;
  • Independent organization of transport on water and the use of logistics in providing the necessary conditions for the safe navigation of the ship;
  • Implementation of waste management options in accordance with a specific problem of waste management on ships, as well as proposing procedures for collection and treatment of waste materials in accordance with the principles of waste management and legal regulations;
  • Developing awareness of quality management as a necessary system in logical procedures and of the image of a shipping company that gives a comparative advantage in the global market;
  • Solving the problem of organizing multi modal transport;

First year

1.Port and Shipping Management17
2.Logistics and Organization of Transport16
3.Waste Materials Management18
3.Quality Management18
4.Multimodal Transport18
4.Human Resources Management18
5.International Security System in Maritime27
6.Practical Training23
7.Study Research Work27
8.Graduate Thesis214

Subjects under No. 3 and 4 are elective subjects, student must choose one out of two offered subjects.